Finding Funds for Fixing our Hot Planet
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Lifelong edutainment. Co-creating & evolving with imagination, creativity & innovation.
At HPRT, we believe it's important for us to be janitors without borders who say, "Help me, help you?". We learn through nature and giving more than we take – while exploring the past, present and future. Our content focuses on how we must collectively concentrate on consistent, efficient cooperation to grow circular, regenerative cultures and systems. No more isolated islands of planet repair.
We're connecting the grassroots to the grasstops. By producing videos of events, presentations, articles and other media, we enable the stories, research and convenings that deeply root our routine actions for co-creating and evolving missions. HPRT begins with trash – because everyone has to take out their waste and humanity has been trashing our land, water and air. We believe in turning trash to treasure – for growing shared ECOnomic pleasure.
We know knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Kowledge is dangerous without wisdom. Wisdom is doing – with reflection, imitation and experience.
Be wise like the elephant.
“We admire elephants in part because they demonstrate what we consider the finest human traits: empathy, self-awareness, and social intelligence. But the way we treat them puts on display the very worst of human behavior.” – Graydon Carter